Saturday, March 06, 2010

With the help of Twitter

I'm so excited! I don't know exactly why I shouldbe since I don't have anything ready, but I am.
I decided who I'm going to submit my first book to (when I finsh it)so that she can be my agent. I won't say who, but the fact that now this makes day dream about how cool it would be if my book was picked up.
And I found her through twitter. I find that so funny!Since I follow a lot of YA writers on twitter they sometimes recommend their agents and then I follow them. So while I was at work today I went to their websites. I actually got a lot of information of a querie letter should be written and submitted. I've also learned a lot about the publishing process. Never thought I'd get so much out of Twitter. If my book actually gets picked up by someone I found on Twitter, my boyfriend should never say anything against Twitter ever again! :p
....Now to write a book...

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