Saturday, March 06, 2010

Too late for the old-fashioned way

I've said before that I reallly like writing the old fishioned way on pen and paper (hence the name of my blog), but lately I've come to realize that doing that is so inpractical.
I knew that it wasn't efficient before and I always realized I would sooner or later have to move everything to an electonic file, but as things have started piling up, the prospect of doing so looks less inviting than ever.
Writing on pen and paper renders my work useless because in this day and age no agent is ever going to look at my stuff if it so inconvenient to read. I can't e-mail it and my handwriting is so sloppy even when I try my hardest to make it look neat. Putting everything I've written on a word document also takes up so much valuable time that could have been better spent on writing new material. Yes, having to re-write everything could help in the editing process, but when it comes to it not even I can read my own hadwriting!
When I start writing thoughts come to me faster than I can translate them into written word so my handwriting gets sloppier and sloppier as I go, and typing on a keyboard is a lot faster.
And now in result of my love of outdated methods I am faced with the reality of having to write on a computer all the time.
At least I have one readily available at work, and my laptop, although not as lightweight as my notebook, is not too hard to carry around school with me.
This weekend I will be moving everything from my notebook to my flashdrive...hours well spent.
I like close calls They always make me appreciate my life even more.
P.S. I have created an account at I haven't done much to it yet, but I will be writing reviews on some of the books I've read. Looking forward to it.

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