Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All Ready for School

Yay! I got registered for school today! I'm so excited! Last semester was so boring and this semester I'm only taking two classes, but I feel so good!
I had originally chosen more classes, but since I registered late the other class I had chosen was no longer available, and I could not find another one that I liked and was at a suitable time for me. But I feel so relieved. Both me and my boyfriend, Peter, have worked extra in the past couple of weeks, so we were able to make the first payment for classes with no problem! Now to worry about books, but that will come out of next paycheck.
I am so happy! I love school so much! Like my brother phrased it once "It feels good to not always have to be in control" and it's true. I have to go to work and I have bills to pay, but when I'm at school I'm in my teacher's hands, and it's comforting.
Can't wait for Tuesday for classes to start!
GMH Story:

Today, the pastor of my church anounced that his 19-year-old daughter was pregnant out of wed-lock.

As the pastor's wife began to cry, a little boy ran up to her and hugged her saying, "It's okay! Babies are the best thing in the world, no matter what." GMH

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