Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I had a horrible day at work about a week ago. I have a horrible tendency to get in a bad mood about everything once something upsets me. So I ended up taking it out on my usual target: my boyfriend
After the fighting and the crying (yes, I'm a huge cry-baby) we finally talked.
He pointed out something very smart to me, (as is usually the case with him).
He says that I care too much, and not just about the customer who is being mean to me or people leaving their carts in the handicapped spot (how heartless can you be?!), but that I care too much about the small things.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting people to be a bit more civil to each other. But it turns out that that is exactly what is making my life harder. I don't let it all just roll off my shoulder.
Either way, I read this Gives Me Hope story today that reminded me of just that. Small things like this are what's going to change the world.

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